Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Cottbus has the library of the year

The university library of the Brandenburg Technical University won the "library of the year" award, which comes with a grant of 30 000 euros. This library was chosen for the award because it is a center that combines library, multi-media center and computer lab in one building with an extra-ordinary architecture. Source: TU Cottbus

Copyright by Martin Ridder at www.fotos.sc

Since none of the East German universities could be named elite universities (no East German university placed in the top 10 even), it is comforting that an East German university has a well equipped library with an innovative concept.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Renft passes away, street to be named after Tamara Danz

This passed weekend another well-known East German musician, Klaus Renft, passed away at the age of 64. He had suffered from cancer. Renft was leader of the Klaus Renft Combo, a band that was founded in 1958 in Leipzig. One of its most-well known songs was "Wer die Rose ehrt". Due to its very politically critical songs, the band was forbidden in the 1970s.
Personally, I do not have a true connection to the Renft combo, but it still saddens me that after Tamara Danz of Silly and Herbert Dreilich of Karat another great East German musician has passed away. Having grown up with a father who loved music, I listened to the radio a lot as a child and followed the East German charts religiously. Thus, such "oldies" like "Wer die Rose ehrt", "Als ich wie ein Vogel war" and "Apfeltraum" are dear to my heart and I still listen to them. Just like I still (occassionally) listen to Karat and Silly.

And speaking of Silly: TAZ reports, that a street around the new Anschutz-Arena in Berlin (in the Ostbahnhof area) will be named "Tamara-Danz-Street". Tamara Danz was the lead singer of the band Silly and died from cancer in 1996. Information as to why the city council choose Tamara Danz isn't available. However, Tamara Danz lived and worked in Berlin and aften sang about the city.

Now, I am wondering if we will see in the future a Renft-square or a Dreilich-Road? Maybe a suggestion for urban planners?